Tiffany Sanders, M.D.
Medical Director?????
Malta House of Care Inc.
Hartford, Conn.
Age: 38
Tiffany Sanders, M.D., has not only dedicated her life to healing others, but she has also focused her career on working specifically with the underserved and incarcerated. In just 10 years, Dr. Sanders has made significant strides in her field of internal medicine, including being selected by the Connecticut Health Foundation for the 2011 Healthcare Leadership Fellows program to help develop the next generation of health care leaders and public-policy advocates. In addition, she was recognized by the Federal Bureau of Prisons for improving the quality of care delivered to female offenders at the Federal Corrections Institute in Danbury, Conn. ?Surviving the day-to-day rigors of dealing with incarcerated women taught me to have a level of compassion for the human condition that is difficult to put into words,? Sanders explains.
Sanders is presently the medical director for Malta House of Care Inc., where she oversees a staff and a host of volunteers who provide primary care services for uninsured patients through a mobile clinic that travels throughout the Hartford, Conn., community. She received a bachelors degree in biology from the University of Virginia, a
doctorate of medicine from Drexel University School of Medicine, and completed a postdoctoral clinical
fellowship in geriatric medicine at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Her family?s unwavering support and financial sacrifices helped her to accomplish her childhood dream, she says, recalling the moment she received her doctorate as being the culmination of a group effort. ?It felt like together we had done something amazing,? she says.
Sanders enjoys spending time with her growing family and volunteers at a shelter for women and children. To alleviate work-related stress, she enjoys being physically active, maintains a positive frame of reference at
all times and has learned to be thankful for each new day.