Mellody Hobson Joins JPMorgan Chase Board of Directors

Published April 2, 2018 by TNJ Staff
People On The Move
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Mellody Hobson has joined the board of directors at JPMorgan Chase.

Since 2000, Hobson has served as president of Ariel Investments in Chicago. She is also the president and director of Ariel Capital Management Holdings Inc.

“Mellody Hobson is one of the most highly respected and knowledgeable leaders in business today, with valuable experience in corporate governance, financial markets, communications and leadership. We are extremely fortunate to attract such an outstanding director to our firm, and we are looking forward to working with Mellody and learning from her,? said Jamie Dimon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of JPMorgan Chase.

Hobson’s work with civic, non-profit and professional organizations includes acting as a director of the Chicago Public Education Fund; chairman of After School Matters, which provides Chicago teens with high quality out-of-school time programs; director of the Economic Club of Chicago; and board member of the George Lucas Education Foundation, among others.

Hobson is a graduate of Princeton University and considered an expert on matters of personal finance, often speaking on panels and featured on television news shows.

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