Inclusion Revolution: The Essential Guide to Dismantling Racial Inequality in the Workplace

Published June 2, 2022 by Terri Schlichenmeyer
Business Advice
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Everybody in.

The meeting’s about to start; the train is leaving soon; the car is idling; so pack it up and let’s go. We’re not leaving anyone behind and nobody can complain about being out of the loop if we’re together, so everybody in.

The book, Inclusion Revolution: The Essential Guide to Dismantling Racial Inequality in the Workplace,” by Daisy Auger-Domínguez, chief people officer at Vice Media Group, helps to ensure that no one is missed.

The best there is – that’s what you want for your business: the best employees for the positions that need to be filled. Now, says Auger-Domínguez, is the best time to add inclusivity to your hiring practices.

To start what she calls the “inclusion revolution,” business owners and hiring managers must “commit to… understanding who you are and what… barriers” your business has when it comes to BIPOC (Black, indigenous, and people of color) employees. Don’t allow yourself to say it’s “always been done” this way or that because even if it has, things can change.

Be sure to discuss your ideas with everybody on your team, and ask for careful referrals, Auger-Domínguez advises. Going the “friends and family” route may have worked before, but studies show that recommendations from those categories often result in new hires that are the same as current employees in race, gender, and identity.

The author describes attitudes and action steps that are essential to keep the “inclusion revolution” going:

  • Use your privilege for change, but remember, “Privilege is a transient concept.”
  • Be bold with your goals and willing to acknowledge that progress is good but there’s always room to do better.
  • Know the legalities of inclusive interviewing and hiring, and make sure all managers are aware, too.
  • Try to ignore resumes or, at the very least, cover the names on them before you look them over; likewise, know how to use the right language when recruiting.
  • Change the way you interview by asking “better… questions.” Strive to focus on “culture add” rather than “culture fit.”
  • Use a good balance of mentorship and sponsorship to help employees get accommodated. Expect that you’ll get uncomfortable now and then.
  • And finally, check yourself constantly: what if you’re the problem?

Chances are that if you’re a business owner or manager, yours is not strictly an 8 a.m.-to-5 p.m. job. Your normal workday likely is considerably longer. And if you plan to take on the essentials of an “inclusion revolution” by yourself, you can count on some very late nights, too.

Indeed, there’s a lot to unpack in this book. There’s almost a full-time job’s worth of information to know, understand, and implement to do this thing right. The reward, says Auger-Domínguez suggests, lies in a diverse group of employees with a wider breadth of experiences to enhance the product or service your business offers.

Starting and following through with an inclusion revolution as Auger-Dominguez prescribes won’t be an easy process. Some businesses may even find it daunting. Readers may get the feeling that Auger-Domínguez has merely scratched the surface of what needs to be done to assure racial inclusivity.

Still, you have to start somewhere and “Inclusion Revolution: The Essential Guide to Dismantling Racial Inequality in the Workplace” is a good place to do so.

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Terri Schlichenmeyer