Working from Home: Convince Your Boss to Say ‘Yes’

Published May 15, 2014 by TNJ Staff
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work from homeWhat does it take to convince your boss to let you work from home?

Working from home has its own benefits. It eliminates long commutes to and from work, allows employees to be more productive and lets them enjoy a better work/life balance. Considering its many benefits, how can you convince your boss to let you work from home? Here are some things that you may want to try to accomplish your goal.

Make sure it can be done remotely. Before asking your boss to allow you to work from home, you need to make sure that the job can be done remotely. If your work can be measured by the results you achieve and you have all the right equipment, the proper workspace and secure remote access to your office network, you may just have a chance of persuading your boss to let you work offsite.

Be more productive. You need to establish your credibility at work before you can even ask for the privilege of working from home. Show your boss that you can be depended on at all times and that you can get better results if you are working offsite.?

Emphasize the benefits. Rather than telling your boss that this arrangement will be advantageous for you, you need to let him know what the company will get out of it. Make him understand that you will even be more productive since the hours you spend commuting can be devoted to work. Cite useful statistics, if you must, to help build your case. ?

Be accessible and account for your actions. Make sure that your boss can reach you whenever he needs you. Keep all lines of communication open. If you expect to be out of your home office for a long period of time, make sure your boss knows about it, too.

Make technology work for you. Put technology to good use. Use a dependable cloud storage service like Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive and Box and productivity tools such as the Evernote app so you can take your work wherever you go.

If you have successfully demonstrated that the company will benefit more from allowing you to work offsite, you need to consider documenting everything so you don’t have to do everything all over again in case your boss gets promoted or replaced.

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of benefits that can be achieved by working from home so you may want to try these tips to increase your chances of getting your boss’s approval.

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TNJ Staff