Women Who Will Award

Published March 8, 2011 by
Special Events

The Association of Women in Communications, New Jersey Chapter produdly announces the 2011 Women Who Will HOnoree: Brenda Blackmon MY9 News is Honoree for the Third Annual Women Who Will Award. Please join us on Monday, April 25 at the Newark Musuem, 49 Washington St. Newark, NJ. Breakfast will begin at 8:30am followed by the AWCNJ awards presentation and keynote by Brenda Blackmon. At the end of the breakfast, guest are invited to a private docent tour of the exhibit POSING BEAUTY – African American Images from the 1890s to the Present, featuring 100 black-and-white and color images, included are famous images notables such as Lena Horne, Issac Hayes, Mary Lou Williams, Huey Newton, as well as everyday people. With your ticket price you will receive a discount in the Museum gift shop and on Museum membership. For more information: www.awcnj.org

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