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WIBO Quickbooks Seminar

Published February 24, 2011 by
Special Events

This interactive training will help you navigate QuickBooks and
better understand your financials!

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Using QuickBooks software, you will learn:

? How to Correctly Enter and Pay Bills

? Invoicing and Receiving Payments

? Processing Customer Transactions

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? Sales Tax (Set-Up and Processing)

? Organizing Your Data and Your Daily Workflow

Instructor: Cecilia Faraci, Northeast Major Account Manager for Intuit; Licensed CPA; Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor

Early Bird Special: $75
After April 18: $100
Payable by credit card, check or money order

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**Two Day Course ? Participants Must Attend Both Sessions**
Monday, April 25, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

7:00 pm ? 9:30 pm

55 Exchange Place, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Take the J or Z Train to Broad Street; or the 2 or 3 Train to Wall ? William Street

Space is Limited ? RSVP Required
To RSVP, visit www.wibo.org/events or contact Jean at 212.684.0854

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