Put on your walking shoes and start walking your way to work!
Walking your way to work can be good for you in more ways than one. Studies indicate that people who usually walk to work have higher energy and stamina levels, reduced stress levels and a general sense of well-being. It also improves your blood circulation so you will feel more focused and more productive all throughout the day. In addition, walking reduces the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and certain cancers.
Walking can also help you sleep better. According to a study conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, walking can help relieve symptoms of insomnia.
Walking May Benefit Your Mental Health
Aside from providing great physical health benefits, walking can also improve your mental health. According to the results of a study conducted by researchers at the University of California, age-related memory decline is significantly lower in people who walked more. The study further revealed that women aged 65 and older who walk less than half a mile per week experience 25% decline in memory while those who walk 2.5 miles per day only reported a 17% decline in memory.
Walking was also shown to relieve mental stress, improve a person’s mood and boost his self-esteem. Any form of physical activity such as walking increases the production of norepinephrine (a hormone that moderates the brain’s response to stress) and allows you to deal with mental stress more effectively. In addition, a study conducted at the California State University revealed that people who walk more are more likely to have better moods.
Walking can also lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. According to the results of a study conducted at the University of Virginia Health System in Charlottesville, walking for more than a quarter of a mile each day can reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer?s disease in older men (between the ages of 71 and 93) by as much as 50%.
It Can Be Good for the Environment
Aside from all the physical and mental benefits, you will be doing the environment a great service by walking your way to work. If more people would start walking their way to the office, traffic congestion would be minimized, and there would be a significant reduction in road maintenance costs and pollution as well.
After taking all of these things into consideration, it is easy to see that walking can be good for your physical and mental health, and can empower you to be more productive at work. So, are you ready to start walking your way to work? You definitely should!