One of the keys to promoting your brand is to become an expert in the field. Among the ways to get your opinions out to the general public is by having a blog and while many small business owners today blog, there is another avenue to consider–a blog radio show.
That’s what Dr. Willise Riche did. She founded and began the MarslowWoman Live radio program. “I started the radio program as a venue to animate and create an interactive forum so that we can get to meet, talk to and involve our followers and audience base,” says Riche.
The show is key to her brand-building. “A radio program can help expand and solidify one?s brand. Each and every time you?re producing, recording/doing a live broadcast, you have an opportunity to reach out to your target audience and define, and in this case, express your brand,” explains Riche. “I find it exciting to hear from the audience; the feedback, the well wishes, the stories of program impact on their lives ? are so invigorating and rewarding. Radio gives us an opportunity to interact with the listeners one-on-one.”
Starting your own Internet radio show isn’t as intimating as you might think. “There are many software platforms available from free to paid and they all have their pros and cons. I would suggest doing a little research for yourself for platforms as I have found that that choice is really a personal preference addressing your needs at different times throughout the process,” notes Riche. “For example, if you are a true beginner, I would encourage you to select a platform that doesn?t too many additional use of other software or ability to understand software integration. Some require the conversion of you broadcast in order to upload or, and this is a big surprise, you also may not be able to download your broadcast in a useful form.”
Once you have the technical process in place, start organizing your program. And don’t just talk yourself, create show in which you have guests come in and discuss various topics that will reach your target audience.
“Your show should be about something on which you are knowledgeable and passionate. While some topics seem like a good idea, they may not carry on to continuing broadcasts and still hold the attention of your audience. Being creative with something you love is the key,” notes Riche. And of course, remember the purpose is to promote your brand. “For me that?s the broader topic of Women?s empowerment. That give me a great spring-board to discuss a multitude of topics of concern to women, serious, funny topics, current affairs and social issues, and the ever so popular self-improvement including health management, relationships, fashion, makeup, etc.,” Riche points out.
And the ultimate goal is to boost your business. “An increase in clients/customers for myself and my guests have been noticeable and I know it?s because they are getting a taste or information about the product or services being offered and have an initial level of confidence to make the initial contact with us. The exposure is invaluable and you never know who?s listening,” offers Riche.
Make sure you are consistent with your broadcasts. “People need to count on that you are there when you say you will be and that you?ll continue to be there moving forward. My suggestion for beginners is to start conservatively with one broadcast weekly,” suggests Riche. “Get your feet wet and work out the kinks keeping overwhelmed factor at a minimum. Once you?re more comfortable, have acquired a following, have a pulse on topic receptiveness and other logistics of running a radio show, then you can always increase the number of broadcasts. Remember consistency and quality content are staples that drive success in this business.”
Make sure to carve out enough time to create great shows. “That is dynamic challenge. You have to be extremely organized, you have to be able to work hard, fast and deliver under pressure (when you fall off the wagon of being organized or if there are unforeseen issues),” says Riche. “Although producing and hosting a show require spontaneity, pre-planning, preparation (90 percent of the game) and scheduling around your work and life is a must. This way you can be at your most relaxed knowing that conflicts are at a minimum.”
On air, be yourself. ?Listeners will be attracted to your personality and thus trust your brand. “Be the entertaining version of yourself. Show your personality without getting personal. Invite interesting guests that can offer their insight (pro or con) to your topic, and diversify your topics to bring variety but still keeping to the mission and branding of your broadcast platform,” says Riche. “And, this is the most important thing, have fun! Enjoy the discussion and your guests. If you believe in the message you?re delivering and present it wholeheartedly, your listeners will receive it in that spirit.”
From Internet radio shows you can then branch off to host webinairs, another way to promote yourself and brand as well as drum up some business. Many people charge a few for listeners to tune in.
It’s a move Riche is set to make. “As far as broadcast production, I?m working on a webinar soon to be released,” she says.