Top 5 Problems Facing Gen-Z in 2025: Insights & Solutions

Published January 19, 2025 by Amelia
Arts & Entertainment
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Have you ever tried to have a conversation, only to find yourself constantly interrupted? This is a familiar feeling for Gen-Z. Despite being adults now, we often find ourselves in discussions where our voices are drowned out by older generations telling us to “shut up.” It’s frustrating, to say the least. Every week, some self-proclaimed journalist writes an article about everything wrong with our generation, yet when we try to speak up, five more voices are telling us why we’re wrong. This isn’t a new war of the generations, but for Gen-Z, it feels particularly isolating.

The Five Key Issues Affecting Gen-Z in 2025

The five most critical issues that greatly influence this generation as of 2025 are discussed below

1. The Generational Hierarchy

In this generational hierarchy, Gen-Z seems to be at the bottom of the totem pole. We are caught between the spent Millennials and our Gen X parents, with Baby Boomers slowly disappearing. I don’t pretend to know what it’s like to be a Millennial or a Gen-Xer, yet everyone seems to think they know what it’s like to be a Gen-Zer. Sure, you were my age once too, but let’s be real things are different now. Don’t act like you had to turn your phone backward to take a selfie!

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2. Millennials: Our Older Siblings

Interestingly, millennials have borne much of the generational criticism. At one time, they were called the “worst generation,” and now, it seems, they try to project that image to us. Of course, I do admit that many of their experiences echo ours; still, their stinginess often eclipses any cool factor. Example: When they gripe about the job hunt, forget how hard it is for us. “At least they did not ghost you this time!” I mean, come on.

Most of us have been struggling to deal with the truth that a degree does not imply a job.

It’s almost comical; when Millennials tell us, “Welcome to the real world, kids,” it feels like a cosmic joke. We were told to go to college and everything would work out, but that’s just not the case anymore. You graduate with a degree and end up in a soul-sucking customer service job for years. It’s a cycle that feels endless.

Understanding the Digital Divide One thing that would differentiate Gen-Z from Millennials is our interaction with technology. The Millennials had to grow up with the internet and social media. Gen-Zers came into the world with these two things. Their brains are wired differently. The average Gen-Z mind has TikTok brain rot and Vine references. There is angst aplenty in Millennials as well.

They were the first generation to feel the impact of the digital era, and they watched the rules change without any guidance.

However, I do think that Gen-Z respects Millennials to a large degree. They paved the way for us even if they tend to be so cringy sometimes. Well, at least they could give us some form of respect since we are considered young and should be treated differently as well. For instance, being young is such a complication within itself.

Also read: Who Are Generation Zoomers? Traits, Values & Work Ethics

3. Gen-X Influence

The other generation that we typically deal with is Gen-X, simply because they happen to be our parents. Gen-Xers are like a mix between Baby Boomers and Millennials, and they tend to be more liberal and open-minded, but still carry some traditional values. This generational contrast is lived out in how we approach life and careers.

For instance, the more I try to explain my aspirations to have a music career, people are quick to dish out the “What’s your backup plan?” response. It’s frustrating because I am not asking for permission; it’s my passion that I’m sharing. It feels like they only support our dreams once we start raking money from these “dreams”. Financial security is paramount for most Gen-X parents, creating some level of disconnection when we try to pursue something not-so-mainstream.

4. The Loneliness Epidemic

As Gen-Z grows into adulthood, we realize that we are the most educated generation, but we are facing a loneliness epidemic. Despite all the ways to connect online, the real community seems to be disappearing. We are exchanging real interactions for online engagement, which has left many of us feeling isolated. The irony is that while we have more means to connect, we feel less connected than ever.

The elders are always on our backs to go out there and make friends, but it is not as easy as it sounds. Not even in traditional settings is it easy to get in touch with others. It seems like everyone is behind walls and does not want anyone else in. This emotional disconnection causes loneliness that permeates our generation.

5. Dating in the Digital Age

The only thing Gen-Z gets confused about is dating. Many people appear to believe that we are all running around and engaging in hookup culture as fast as the previous generations can get out of it. That’s far from the truth; actually, research found that Gen-Z is having less sex overall. Maybe it is a lack of deep connections or maybe it is showing the shift we’re seeing toward how we approach relationships. Not many of us want a one-night stand. We want the real thing.

Also read: Who Is Generation Z? Interesting facts about Gen Z

Social media aggravates this with the apparent existence of everybody in loose relationships. Not being one leaves you feeling a little odd out. It gives people pressure they adhere to these so-called loose relationships, especially if they are men who have no chance of real relationships with anybody but loose relationship flings.

Together, we can forge a future that values connection and understanding and breaks those barriers that keep us apart. Conclusion Let’s not forget, though we do have the power to change the narrative around Gen-Z. Together with mutual support, vulnerability, and deep connections, we can handle all the issues within our generation resiliently and with hope.

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Amelia, a content writer at, specializes in business advice, finance, and marketing. She delivers insightful, actionable content to empower professionals and entrepreneurs.