Top 7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Kids Use Handheld Devices Frequently

Published July 14, 2015 by TNJ Staff
25 Influential Black Women
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DeviceExcessive use of handheld devices is not good for your kids.

Technology plays a very important role in our lives. It has forever changed the way we live, work, learn and communicate. However, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), excessive exposure to technology may not be good for your kids.

Based on the results of numerous studies conducted by the AAP, babies aged 0 to 2 years should not be exposed to any form of technology while very young children (3 to 5 years) should be limited to one hour exposure. On the other hand, children aged 6 to 18 years should have a maximum of two hour exposure. Why? Here are some of the top reasons why you should consider putting a limit on how much time your kids spend with their handheld devices.

It causes eye strain. Staring at the screen for several hours each and every day can cause eye fatigue and may put your kids at a higher risk of suffering from eye problems.?

It causes sleep deprivation.
According to a 2010 study conducted by Kaiser Foundation, 60% of parents do not supervise their children’s technology usage while an overwhelming 75% allow access to technology in the bedroom. This situation leads to sleep deprivation since the blue screen light has been shown to affect the quality of sleep.

It negatively affects brain development. An infant’s brain triples in size between 0 to 2 years, and continues developing until age 21. Overexposure to technology during this stage may increase the risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), delayed cognitive development, impaired learning and aggressive behaviour.

It affects academic performance. Studies indicate that excessive exposure to technology restricts physical movement among young children. Since movement enhances the ability to learn, kids who frequently use handheld devices usually have lower test scores and are more prone to suffer from behavioural problems. In addition, technology can be extremely distracting. As a result, children who have access to technology while doing their homework takes about four times longer to finish what they are doing.

It increases the risk of mental disorders. Mounting evidence suggests that overexposure to technology is associated with an increased risk of mental disorders among children. It may make children more susceptible to attachment disorder, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and psychosis.

It increases the risk of obesity. Children who have unlimited access to technology do not get enough exercise and are consuming too much calories. Needless to say, a sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity.

It increases exposure to radiation. Too much exposure to radiation can increase the risk of cancer. Since children are more sensitive to cancer causing agents, the risk would be significantly higher in children as compared to young adults.

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