Successful African Americans in the Tech Industry

Published July 24, 2013 by TNJ Staff
25 Influential Black Women
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Lisa LambertDiversity is a hot issue in this day and age, and that includes the business world. CNN recently did an investigation in some of the biggest technology companies in the United States, and their data led to a startling realization: minorities and women are incredibly unrepresented in upper management at most of these companies. The majority of these upper-tier positions are held by white and Asian men. Even though African Americans may be under represented in the technology industry, there are still some very strong players.

Kirk McDonald, President of Pubmatic
Pubmatic is an ad tech company that McDonald joined in 2011 with his 20+ years of experience in the industry. Yahoo is currently looking into buying out a number of ad tech companies, including Pubmatic.

Ken Coleman, Chairman of MIPS Technologies
Ken Coleman has worked as an executive for numerous technology companies, ranging from video game giant Activision to Hewlett Packard. He currently is on the board of directors for MIPS Accelrys.

David Drummond, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer at Google
Drummond was Google’s main outside legal adviser at Wilson & Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati since the company was just starting up and gaining momentum. He is currently the leading force in defending Google from antitrust regulators in Europe.

Shellye Archambeau, CEO of MetricStream
Named one of the top 25 “Click and Mortar” Executives in 2000, Archambeau has held a few executive positions at companies such as Loudcloud, Northpoint Communications, and Arbitron. She has been the CEO of MetricStream since 2002.

John Thompson, CEO of Virtual Instruments

Thompson worked his way up from sales representative at IBM to the general manager of IBM Americas over a 28 year period. He left IBM to become the CEO of Symantec in 1999 until retirement.

Read more at Business Insider.

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