Getting a promotion is not always easy. A too-common perception is that all you need to do to be promoted is engage in so-called office politics. While pandering to the dictates of the office status quo may help you move up, it?s hard to beat industry knowledge when it comes to staying in the higher position. Here are six ways to make yourself ready for promotion and ensure that you keep the new job.
List industry changes during the year. Stay on top of your game by identifying and writing down changes that occurred, or likely will occur, in your industry. Link those changes to your current position: How they will affect your job? Are they pertinent to your job at the present time? Answering these questions will enable you to engage in knowledgeable conversation with management when the opportunity arises.
List ?earth shattering? changes that affected your industry in the past 10 years.? You can?t understand where you are until you understand where you?ve been.? Understanding your industry?s, and consequently your company?s, DNA by examining the successes and failures of the past will help you to better shape your future.
List new legislation that will have an effect on your industry.? Health care and soaring unemployment are hot-button issues this year. Do you know how developments in those areas will affect your industry? Will you be ready for those developments? As new laws are enacted, many companies put together taskforces to identify and provide solutions. Securing a place on an important task force will draw attention to your knowledge.
Attend industry events and write about them.? It?s all about becoming an expert in your field. ?
Join professional on-line networking groups.? Keep your finger ?on the pulse? of what professionals in your industry across the country are experiencing and doing. Use these sites to share best practices and gain additional insights. ?
Host a seminar, meeting or training session. With many companies reducing their budget, training is often the first cut on the list. If you have a particular area of expertise, offer to hold a training session on the subject for your co-workers and get permission to do so. This will show management that you are interested in the future of the company and that you are an innovate thinker, willing to help the company save money during tough fiscal times.
No matter how you got your promotion, keeping it will definitely take some work. Often, those who are promoted simply by skillfully ?playing politics? eventually fall back through the ranks when their lack of knowledge about their industry, company and even their new job become apparent. Taking the time to stay on top of your industry will go a long way toward getting you ready for promotion.