SisterAll 4: National Assembly of Black Women

Published July 24, 2012 by
Community Activism

SISTERALL 4, October 18 ? 21, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia
The SpiritHouse Project calls on Black women to participate in SisterAll 4, the first 21st century National Assembly of Black Women in America. We will gather to understand the explosion of racism today as exhibited by anti-Black violence, racist language and advocacy for unjust laws and public policies by Tea Party members, conservative politicians, and radio and media talk show hosts. No Black person, including the President who is routinely called a monkey, is excluded from these assaults.

At SisterAll 4, every woman?s voice counts and all of our lives matter in a conversation about racism. We are united in our common status as Black women in America. How we unite, analyze, strategize, organize and mobilize form the heart of SisterAll 4 through civic education and public debates. It is imperative that we resume our places as front line warriors, who protect our community today as well as leave our children a world where they are safe, educated, employed and productive community builders and citizens. Eliminating racism is a huge task that we cannot and must not do alone. SisterAll 4 lays the foundation for building a crusade that will recruit 600,000 women of all colors and our male allies as sojourners for racial justice.

At SisterAll 4, we will propose for your consideration and approval a national and local Get Out the Facts Campaign that exposes anti-Black slander where racists tell the world that we are inferior and unfit for the rights of citizenship. This slander says our children are by nature criminals who are unworthy of a decent education or a chance to move freely in society without being stopped, frisked, incarcerated or murdered by police.
You might say ?not my child, sister, aunt, brother, or uncle.? But the facts tell a different story.
? Trayvon Martin, 17 year old unarmed student, shot dead by George Zimmerman
? Reika Boyd, 22 years old, shot dead by an off duty police officer
? Jasmine Thor, 16 year old sophomore, murdered in a front yard in what her mother calls an anti-Black hate crime
? Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., 68 year old marine veteran, tasered and then shot dead by police when they responded to a false alarm from his medical alert pendant

We must connect these heinous crimes to a racist movement where its members rob us of our voting rights, re-segregate public schools, create unparalleled poverty in our community, and use Black people in jails and prisons as a captive and underpaid labor force that surpasses the abuses of Black workers during sharecropping.

SisterAll 4 is organized and sponsored by the SpiritHouse Project, a national nonprofit organization with more than a ten-year history of standing for women, youth and communities of color. Its directors are Ruby Sales and Cheryl Blankenship. SisterAll 4 will be held at the Melia Hotel in Atlanta, GA. A gala Thursday evening honors Florence Tate, Annie Pearl Avery, Dorie Ladner, Gwendolyn Patton and Jean Wiley for their gallant work for racial justice in Mississippi, Alabama, Ohio and Washington, DC. The gala speaker is Iva Carruthers, sociologist, National Convener of the Samuel Proctor Conference and author of Blow the Trumpet in Zion: Global Vision and Action for the 21st Century Black Church.
For more information, email your name and address to receive a packet or call SpiritHouse at 404-228-1715. Look for website registration and an Assembly schedule at soon.

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