Sheila S. Boston, Esq.

Published June 1, 2017 by TNJ Staff
Featured image for Sheila S. Boston, Esq.

Sheila S. Boston, Esq.
Kaye Scholer LLP
New York, N.Y.

Helping others is high on Sheila S. Boston?s list of priorities. As a products liability attorney at the law firm Kaye Scholer LLP, Boston interfaces with some of the most intelligent and talented scientists and medical experts in the world. ?It has truly been thrilling and enjoyable as well as educational for me,? she says. ?It has also been quite a blessing, for I have been able to use resources from my experiences in this area of law to help others, including family and friends.?

Boston means what she says. When she was a busy junior attorney, she made time to assist a woman in gaining custody of her two children, as well as child support. From that experience, she says, ?I learned that I am strong, that I am a good attorney, that I am a great resource for others, and that I can fight for what is right and make a positive difference.?

A 2008 Network Journal 40 Under Forty honoree and a graduate of Princeton University and Columbia Law School, Boston says she hopes to have time to provide more pro bono legal services in the future ?to help those who do not have the money or resources to have the proper representation in a court of law.? She also sees motivational speaking and/or teaching in her future.

Boston is the recipient of numerous industry awards, including New York Law Journal?s Lifetime Achievement award and New York City Bar Association?s Diversity Champion award. She devotes her personal time to family and church activities. ?Spending time with friends and family members, as well as working in my church makes me happy. I especially love singing in the choir. Music is a universal language, and singing about God?s love and encouraging others to keep the faith is a very special ministry,? she states.

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