College isn’t for everyone, but people who
qualify for it should never be excluded simply because they can’t afford it.
While financial aid regulations have come a long way, scholarships still
comprise an important source of college funding for cash-strapped students, and
many such scholarships target or include minorities
students. Here’s a comprehensive list of available sources of scholarships for
black students:
A Better Chance Scholarships
A Better
Chance offers a variety of scholarships for African American college students.
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AFROTC High School Scholarships
The Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) program for high schoolers offers both three- and four-year scholarships for college.
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Alger Association Scholarships (Horatio)
The Horatio Alger Association offers scholarships to high-school seniors in critical financial need (household income of $50,000 or less) who wish to seek a bachelor’s degree at a college or university.
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Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship
The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) teen division awards three college-bound students with scholarships. The scholarships are for $5,000, $500 and $250. To enter, students must submit an autobiography and a 1,200 to 1,500-word essay addressing Alzheimer’s and its impact.
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American Chemical Society Scholarships
The American Chemical Society Scholarships are for African American, Hispanic and American Indian students seeking degrees in chemical sciences and technologies.
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American Fire Sprinkler Scholarship
The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) offers two scholarships for students. The first type is a $2,000 scholarship awarded to 10 high school seniors, and the second type is a $1,000 scholarship, which is awarded to five students.
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Americanism Essay Contest
Sponsored by the FRA National Committee on Americanism-Patriotism, the Americanism Essay Contest awards $10,000, $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000 savings bonds to students in grades 7-12. To qualify, students must submit an essay adhering to an annual theme.
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American Nuclear Society Scholarships
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) offers a variety of scholarships to encourage students to pursue a career in nuclear science and nuclear technology.
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American Nuclear Society Scholarships
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) offers a variety of scholarships to encourage students to pursue a career in nuclear science and nuclear technology.
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APS Minority Scholarship (Physics)
The American Physical Society (APS) offers scholarships to African American, Hispanic and Native American students planning on majoring in physics to help increase the amount of unrepresented minorities studying physics.
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Art and Writing Awards
The Scholastic Art and Writing awards are for students in grades 7-12. Students can apply across 28 art and writing categories.
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Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF) annually awards 25 students pursuing science, math, engineering and technology degrees with $10,000 scholarships.
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Coca-Cola Scholarships
The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation offers annual scholarships of $3.4 million dollars to over 1,400 college students.
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Courageous Persuaders Scholarships
The Courageous Persuaders Scholarships are available to all high school students. Students are must make a commercial about a designated topic for a chance to not only win scholarship money, but also get name recognition.
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Davidson Fellows Scholarships
The Davidson Fellows Scholarship annually awards students, ages 18 and under who have completed “significant work,” with $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships. Application categories include math, science, literature, music, technology, outside the box and philosophy.
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Disabled War Veterans Scholarships
The AFCEA Educational Foundation offers merit-based scholarships to students on active duty in military roles. These scholarships are worth $2,500 and are available to veterans enrolled as college freshman, sophomores, juniors and part-time students.
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Elks National Foundation Scholarships
The Elks National Foundation offers three scholarship programs, which amount to about $3.64 million annually in awards. All applications must first go through an Elks Lodge in order to be considered.
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Engineering School Scholarships
The Engineering Education Service Center (ESC) offers several engineering school scholarship possibilities for students. These include the SMART Scholarship, to increase the number of students studying science, math and research for transformation, and the The Next Generation Scholarship Fund.
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The U.S. Department of Education offers the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to qualifying members. The program enables qualifying students to receive financial assistance for higher education.
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Federal Student Aid Portal
The U.S. Department of Education offers federal aid to students. There are various financial aid programs for which students can qualify.
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Federation of Musicians Scholarships
The American Federation of Musicians offers several scholarships to college-bound students.
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Gates Millennium Scholarship
The Gates Millennium Scholarship is an annual scholarship honoring 1,000 students. It helps cover education costs by offering students self-help aid, graduate school funding and leadership development programs, among others.
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HOPE Scholarships and Lifetime Learning Credits
The HOPE Scholarship is a $1,500 scholarship. It is offered to students in their first two years of college to help make higher education more feasible.
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International Students Scholarships & Aid Help
The International Education Financial Aid (IEFA) awards scholarships and grants to U.S. and international citizens who choose to study abroad.
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Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarships
Jackie Robinson’s legacy continues in the form of a scholarship, which awards college-bound African American students up to $7,500 to attend college.
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Josh Gibson Foundation Scholarship
The Josh Gibson Foundation Scholarship helps foster academic leadership to create tomorrow’s leaders by offering an annual scholarship to qualifying students.
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KFC Colonel’s Scholar’s Program
Kentucky Fried Chicken’s Colonel’s Scholars Program recognizes high school seniors with “entrepreneurial drive.”
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Kohl’s Kids Who Care Scholarships
Kohl’s Kids Who Care recognize students ages 6-18 for community involvement. Students can receive anything from a $50 Kohl’s store gift card to a $10,000 scholarship.
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LAGRANT Scholarships (Minorities, Public Relations and Other)
The LAGRANT Foundation annually awards 20 scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students earning degrees in marketing, advertising and public relations.
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Major Scholarships and Fellowships
Major Scholarships and Fellowships are some of the highest scholarships that undergraduate students and graduates can earn. There are many of these highly competitive scholarships offered.
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Marine Corps Scholarships
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation honors active and retired members of the U.S. Marines and Navy.
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Martin Luther King Scholarships
The Martin Luther King Jr. Commission Scholarship is offered by the city of San Antonio, Texas, to a graduating senior from a Bexar County schools.
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Microsoft University Careers Scholarships
Microsoft University Careers Scholarships offers four types of scholarships for students interested in studying in a technical field.
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Minority Nurse Gateway of Scholarships
Minority Nurse offers a variety of scholarships for under-represented students pursuing a degree in nursing. The scholarships vary in amount and eligibility.
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The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) offers several scholarship opportunities for college-bound African American students.
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National Association of Negro Musician Scholarships
The National Association of Negro Musician Scholarships awards students from 18 to 30 years old and who are involved in the musical field.
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National Federation of The Blind Scholarships
The National Federation of The Blind (NFB) offers 30 scholarships, ranging from $3,000 to $12,000, to blind college students.
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National Merit Scholarship
The National Merit Scholarship is a contest in which students can qualify for scholarships by taking the PSAT/NMSQT test.
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National Society of Arts and Letters Scholarships
The National Society of Arts and Letters Scholarships consists of two separate scholarship programs that recognize emerging visual artists between 16 and 22 years of age.
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National Society of High School Scholars
The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) offers a variety of scholarships. Scholarships vary in amount and requirements.
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Negro Spiritual Scholarship Foundation
The Negro Spiritual Scholarship Foundation is for college-bound high school students interested in music and musical studies.
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New York Women in Communications Foundation
The New York Women in Communications Foundation, Inc., (NYWICI) offers an annual scholarship to high school seniors, college undergraduates and graduate students pursuing a career in the communications field.
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Nursing Scholarships Opportunities
The American Association of College of Nursing (AACN) offers student scholarship programs to nursing students. These scholarships include a Minority Nurse Faculty Scholarship, which is annually received by an under-represented minority student.
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Private Scholarships for Seniors
Private Scholarships for Seniors offers a multitude of opportunities for college-bound high school seniors or trade schoolers.
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Ron Brown Scholarships
The Ron Brown Scholar Program is intended for promising African American students. Recipients are awarded a $40,000 scholarship ($10,000 spread out over four years) to help pay for higher education.
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Roothbert Fund Scholarships
The Roothbert Fund awards its scholarship to about 20 students who are “motivated by spiritual values.”
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Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships
The Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships honors students with $250,000 grants in an effort to promote international understanding and good relationships with people from around the world.
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Sachs Foundation Scholarships
The goal of the Sachs Foundation is to provide scholarships to African American students in Colorado. It awards about 150 college-bound students each year.
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Sallie Mae Grants and Scholarships
Sallie Mae helps connect eligible students to scholarship opportunities through employers, companies and religious groups, among others.
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Scholarships for Military Children
Scholarships for Military Children awards a minimum of one $1,500 scholarship per military commissary location (as designated by the Defense Commissary Agency), pending there is a qualified applicant.
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Scholarships for Minority Accounting Students
The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) annually awards a minority scholarship to students who select accounting as a college major. Recepients are awarded scholarships of $3,000 each academic year.
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Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities are able to earn scholarships for higher learning through the 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Scholarships are available for students with autism, in wheelchairs, with learning disabilities, blindness and deafness, among others.
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Scholarships for Students Working for Peace and Justice
Specifically intended for students who are working for things like peace and justice, the Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund awards need-based scholarships to students actively involved in peace and justice-related movements on campus and in the community.
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Scholarships from Kitchen and Bath Association
The National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) offers $20,000 worth of scholarships to interior design students each year.
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Scholarships List and Search
Adventures in Education offers a scholarship directory, where students can search from among 15,000 scholarships.
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SEIU Lottery Scholarship Program
The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) offers 48 annual scholarships. Fifteen of these are $1,000 scholarships, and 33 are worth $1,500.
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Shell Oil Scholarships
The Shell Oil Company recognizes under-represented students pursuing technical college degrees. The company, via the Shell Incentive Fund, offers $5,000 worth of annual scholarships.
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Siemens Foundation Competition
The Siemens Competition recognizes student talent in math, science and technology fields. Students can apply for both regional and national scholarships. National finalists can receive up to $100,000, while regional finalists are eligible for up to $3,000 in scholarship money.
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Siemens Westinghouse Competition
Together with The College Board, the Siemens Westinghouse Competition rewards deserving students studying math, engineering, technology and science with higher education scholarships. These scholarships generally range in amount from $1,000 to $100,000.
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Students with Autism Scholarships
The Autism Society awards scholarships to students who are committed to the autism community.
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Students with Disabled Parents Scholarships
Students with Disabled Parents Scholarships are open to any student that has a disabled parent. The scholarships are divided into two categories; one is for high school seniors and the other is for college students.
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Thurgood Marshall College Fund
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) was established to help African American students attend America’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
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United Negro College Fund Scholarships
The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) offers a variety of scholarship opportunities for African American college students.
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Urban League Scholarships with Gillette
Gillette and the National Urban League offer an annual $5,000 scholarship and internship program specifically for minority students. In addition to the scholarship, students get a summer internship at Gillette.
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Urban League Scholarships
The New York Urban League offers a $3,500 Whitney M. Young Memorial Scholarship as well as a $5,000 Anna S. Kheel and a $1,500 Young Professionals Emerging Leader scholarship.
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