Poor Management Creates Zombie Employees

Published May 7, 2015 by TNJ Staff
Small Business
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ZOMBIEThe Walking Dead may have ended for the season. But that doesn’t mean the zombies are gone.

In fact zombies may be a staple of a workplace near you, because of the widespread problem with the way most employers treat their employees. It’s not that that those employers are mean or unethical, but they’re still doing something wrong. Consider the recent poll that reported that 76 percent of employees say they are unhappy or disengaged at work.

In other words, people genuinely just don’t like their jobs.

This is a problem for employers: The numbers are showing that workers are well on their way to becoming cash-collecting “zombies”: They’re being dumbed down by management and told they can’t color outside the lines. They’re being made to believe that whatever management says is right.?

In response, we can only hope that new technologies and applications improve the numbers around employee engagement, as managers (hopefully) make smarter, data-driven decsions.

Indeed, forward-thinking HR managers are already shifting their efforts; and HR analytics and big data are being analyzed, with the hopes of bettering the office atmosphere. The true leaders in management realize that the workplace is an ever-evolving thing, and take the time to make sure they stay ahead of the curb. This entails coming up with great employee-engagement solutions.


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TNJ Staff