The Phrase You Should Never Use In Your Office Voicemail Message
office phone
“Not available” conveys to the caller that you’re not interested in their business. Here’s what to say instead.
How many times a day when you make a phone call do you get someone?s voicemail and hear, ?I?m not available??
What exactly does that mean?
The person could be powdering their nose for two minutes, gone to a client meeting for two hours, on maternity leave for six months?or, have been transferred to the mailroom in Beijing! You have no idea.
You had phoned for a reason: to get information, to place an order, to extend an invitation to meet, to do business. But now you hang up in disgust, your mission thwarted.
Now you have to invest time figuring out your next, hopefully productive, step. Do you check the web for their corporate number, another branch number, or simply find another ?source? altogether, giving your business to a competitor? Perhaps with your time constraint you are forced to simply table your project.
If this were your business, you?d have just lost a customer.
Read more at TIME