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Periscope Marketing for Small Businesses: Does It Make Any Sense?

Published November 5, 2015 by TNJ Staff
Online Marketing
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What is Periscope marketing and why should small business owners care?

What is Periscope marketing and why should small business owners care? For those who still don’t know what it is, Periscope is a live streaming mobile app that allows users to go live any time from any location. By using Periscope, your viewers can tune in to your broadcasts no matter where they are.

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Now, if you’re asking yourself whether you should consider using it for your business, the answer would be a resounding ‘yes’. Periscope is currently the fastest growing social network and is now 10 million users strong. In addition, it was estimated that users are consuming more than 40 years’ worth of content every single day.

Why Should You Use Periscope Marketing for Your Business?

Large untapped opportunities await you. While some large brands are already using this platform, a lot of businesses are not yet active on Periscope. This leaves a huge opportunity for those who would like to get in and provide value to other Periscope users.

It provides real-time engagement. When it comes to providing value, nothing beats the ability of providing real-time engagement. Your audience wants to know the answers to their questions right now. If you don’t give it to them, they will go somewhere else.

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It can help humanize your brand. By using Periscope, you can connect to your audience in a more personal way. Most people prefer to connect with a real person ? not just a brand. And this is precisely what Periscope allows you to do.

You can use it in so many ways. There is no limit to what you can do with Periscope. You can use it to showcase your offerings, show your audience what goes on behind the scenes, and provide live product demos, tutorials, webinars and/or training sessions. You can also use it to host live Q&A sessions and to provide exclusive Periscope-only offers.

With Periscope marketing and a little creativity, you can take your business to the next of success so you may want to start using it right now to see what it can do for your business.

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TNJ Staff