When it comes to nutrition, a lot of things that you previously believed may not be true.
There is no shortage of myths and misconceptions out there, especially when it comes to nutrition. Those so-called expert mainstream nutritionists spread half-truths and outright lies for the sole purpose of improving somebody else?s bottom line – even if it means putting the populace?s health in jeopardy. Well, it?s time to put a stop to all these lies. It?s time for you to know the real truth behind the blatant lies that have long been accepted as valid information in mainstream nutrition.
The Biggest Lies in Mainstream Nutrition
Saturated fats are bad for your heart. You have always known that eating foods high in saturated fat can cause a dangerous spike in your cholesterol level and may lead to heart disease. After all, that is what you have been taught of all along. However, a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that there is no significant evidence linking dietary saturated fat to the development of coronary heart disease and/or cardiovascular disease. Thus, there is no reason for you to avoid natural foods high in saturated fats such as meat, coconut oil, cheese and butter.
Eggs can increase your cholesterol levels. Contrary to what most people believe, including eggs in your diet does not increase your cholesterol level or put you at risk for heart disease. In fact, eggs are one of the healthiest foods available.
Each egg contains 6 grams of high quality protein, 24.5 grams of naturally occuring vitamin D, 300 micrograms of choline and all of the 9 essential amino acids. Choline is essential for maintaining the normal function of human cells and in regulating the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It also plays a vital role in the normal brain development of unborn children. For best results, choose organic free range eggs over omega-3 eggs.
Diabetics should use artificial sweeteners. Mainstream nutritionists recommend diabetics to avoid sugar and use artificial sweeteners instead since sugar can make you gain weight. However, numerous studies prove otherwise.
According to the results of the 25-year long San Antonio Heart Study conducted by experts at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas, drinking diet soda can actually increase the likelihood that a person will become overweight or obese. In fact, drinking diet soda is even more fattening than regular soda. Artificial sweeteners increase a person?s craving for sweets, increase hunger and disrupt the body?s natural ability to count calories. As a result, this combination can lead to more weight problems in the immediate future.
In addition, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame worsen insulin sensitivity and may cause your blood sugar level to spike in the same way sugar does.