The National Minority Business Council Inc. has extended the deadline for submitting entries for its Business Plan Competition to Thursday, Dec. 31. The previous deadline was Friday, Dec. 18. (See Business Plan Competition for Entrepreneurs,, Dec. 7).
?Because of the holidays, we decided to give potential candidates some more time to prepare and get their submissions to us. We hope that entrepreneurs will have a very creative holiday season,? said John F. Robinson, the NMBC?s president and CEO.
The competition comes under the NMBC?s Entrepreneurship Boot Camp program for new, early-stage and seasoned entrepreneurs. The competition is open to members of the Council and to non-Council members who are minority and women and veteran business owners. Plans must adhere to the following outline:
A.??? Title page
B.??? Table of contents
C.??? Executive summary
D.??? Vision and mission statement
E.??? Company overview
F.??? Products and/or services plan
G.??? Marketing plan
H.??? Management plan
I.??? Operating plan
J.??? Financial plan and two-year projections
K.??? Appendix, with supporting documents
Entrepreneurs who are interested in learning more about the Business Plan Competition and/or Entrepreneurship Boot Camp should contact John F. Robinson at 212-693-5050, or Fritz-Earle McLymont by e-mail at