NAACP Revokes Award Slated for LA Clippers Owner Donald Sterling

Published April 28, 2014 by TNJ Staff
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LA ClippersAmid recent racist comments made by LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling about African Americans, the NAACP has cancelled the lifetime achievement award it had planned on giving him at a ceremony scheduled for May 15.

Over the weekend, a media frenzy took place after Sterling was caught on tape making incendiary comments about NBA player Magic Johnson and other African Americans.

As a result, NAACP interim vice president Lorraine Miller said in an interview with NBC?s Meet the Press, “He is not receiving a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.?

According to the LA Times, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, president of the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable, weighed in by saying, “Black players have made his [Donald Sterling’s] fortune with the Clippers and for him to disparage African Americans is beyond reprehensible. It demands a public apology, a Clipper fan protest and NBA official censure.”

?NBA Commissioner Adam Silver is expected to make an official statement on Tuesday regarding an investigation into Sterling’s comments.

Read more at LA Times.

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