Experts say mobile marketing is good for small businesses.
The future of marketing is in mobile. According to a study conducted by, four out of five smartphone users or about 86 million people access retail content on their device. Add this to the fact that most Americans are extremely attached to their mobile devices (75% admitted that they bring their smartphones everywhere) and that 70% of mobile searches lead to online action within the hour, and you have every reason you need to justify why your business should establish a strong presence in the mobile world.
Recognizing the importance of mobile marketing, small business owners should make every effort to benefit from the potential gains from mobile marketing. To achieve this goal, here are some of the best practices you may want to consider.?????
Best Practices for a More Effective Mobile Marketing
Focus on your customers. Make things easier for your customers and do everything you can to provide positive user experience while they are on your site. Make it easy for them to buy your products and find the information they need by adding “click to call” and/or “click for directions” features.?
Determine your readiness for mobile. Before investing in mobile marketing, you need to ask yourself if you are ready to make the move. If you think you are, your next step would be to create achievable goals for your business and commit to providing a great user experience for your audience.
Optimize your site. According to SmartFocus, a SaaS (software as a service) platform that helps brands to deliver contextualized and personalized messages to customers, 30% of mobile shoppers abandon transactions that are not properly optimized for mobile. In addition, 57% abandon websites that take more than three seconds to load. To avoid these problems, you should limit the amount of data you require from your customers and keep your mobile site simple and easy to navigate to improve page load times.
Be aggressive, but don’t be too pushy. Mobile marketing is considered as “push” technology. Basically, this means that you need to engage your target customers by sending unsolicited messages to keep them updated on your latest offerings. You can keep sending them such messages as long as they continue to buy, but you should stop once they stop buying.
Sweeten the deal. You should give something valuable to your customers. Consider sending text messages about your upcoming sales and special offers and give away discount coupons to improve your profits and increase customer loyalty.