LG front-runs Sony with ultra-definition 84-in TV

Published September 7, 2012 by

NEW YORK (AP) ? LG says an 84-inch TV that has four times the resolution of standard HDTVs is going to be in stores in October for $20,000.

That means LG Electronics USA is pushing out its set with so-called “4K” resolution before Sony Corp., which will have a similar set in stores in December for $25,000.

The set’s resolution will be 3,840 by 2,160 pixels, which compares with 1920 by 1080 pixels for today’s best HDTVs.

There is, for now, very little video content available that can take advantage of the higher resolution. There are no cable or satellite channels at that resolution, and Blu-ray discs max out at HDTV resolution.

LG warns that if and when a standard for “4K” broadcasts is developed, these first sets may not be compatible.

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