Job Hunting
Dear Editor:
I enjoyed your article ?Job Hunting in a Slow Market? by Amy Winter (March 2009), which was published in the ?Career? section. A good follow-up piece might focus on how to handle a job interview or how to negotiate a salary and compensation.
David Kronfeld
David A. Kronfeld Communications
New York City
Time to Celebrate
Dear Editor:
I want to thank the publication for featuring our firm in your May issue. We are very excited and will do our part to promote the publication to our colleagues. More recently, our firm was nominated by Black Enterprise as its ?2009 Small Business of the Year.? In celebration of that nomination and our recent feature in The Network Journal, our firm will host a gathering at Londel?s restaurant in Harlem. We will feature the cover of the May issue at the event on a large poster board. ?
Ceylon Frett
Director of Business
Development & Marketing ??
NobleStrategy L.L.C.
Valuable Information
Dear Editor:
Over the years, The Network Journal has provided its readership with a wealth of personal success stories and valuable information related to career and life decisions, amongst other information. As an executive search professional with more than 35 years of experience in my own business and a longtime subscriber to the magazine, I have? utilized the publication as a resource in my retained executive search firm.
Edward A. Benedict
Edward A. Benedict Inc.
Patterson, New York