Dear Editor:
Your column in the February 2011 issue of The Network Journal was an outstanding and beautifully written sensible, logical assessment of a very important matter that has always had and will always have a major impact on the everyday lives of the African-American citizens of the U.S.A. It remains amazing to me that, at this point in history, there is so much important information that never sees the ?light of day.? I am going to provide copies of your articles to my friends and relatives. Keep up the good work.
John Taylor
Ardmore, Penn.
Dear Editor:
I am of African descent, born in Spain and an American citizen who was touched by your Editor?s Note in the March 2011 issue. I must say, ?Congratulations.? You are a special person. I have been following your work and it is excellent. Only few people could understand African matters the way you do. I am a fan of The Network Journal and I feel related to the issues. I believe that it is only fair to congratulate and send blessings to people who do a good job, and I couldn?t let another day in my heavy schedule go by without doing so.
Bisila Bokoko
Executive director, Spain-U.S. Chamber of Commerce Inc.
Founder, Bisila Bokoko African Literacy Project Foundation
New York City
Why is this a ?newsworthy? item (tnj.com, Mar. 18)? Where are we supposed to be, in the ghetto or the projects? Why isn?t The Network Journal writing about the amount of whites in ?trailer parks?? Or the fact that there are more whites on welfare than the ENTIRE POPULATION of Blacks in this country? What an irresponsible piece of reporting!
Melvin Baisden via Facebook
Editor?s Response: The Network Journal does not cover the white trailer-park and welfare populations. We believe such information adds no value to the editorial mix we have chosen to provide for an audience of predominantly Black professionals, businessowners and policymakers.?
All letters to the editor are subject to publication and must identify the writer by name and location. Title and professional/business affiliation are optional.
E-mail: editors@tnj.com; Fax: 212-962-3791; Post: Letters to the Editor
The Network Journal, 39 Broadway, Suite 2120, New York, NY 10006