From Lay-Off to Success

Published March 11, 2011 by TNJ Staff
Small Business
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SharifahAccording to Chinese folklore, a crisis is comprised of both opportunity and danger. The same understanding can be equally applicable to the recent economic downturn in our country. Author and entrepreneur Sharifah Hardie stands as an outstanding example of someone who launched a stronger and even more successful career as a result of a devastating lay-off. Currently ranked Google’s #1 ranked “Professional Business Consultant”, this Long Beach, California business expert not only enjoys success, but inspires others to new professional heights as well.?

The well respected and renowned professional, radio show host and recent author of “And Here Is Your Box – From Laid Off to Loving Life,” Hardie is fast becoming a modern guru to a multitude of job seekers in today?s expansive labor market. On her website,, Hardie offers her unique perspective not only to the modern day employee examining options after lay-off or downsizing, but also to single parents and elderly caretakers looking for revenue generating opportunities from home. Critics particularly laud the site’s “Work From Home” Project Section that allows online users to search through a large collection of well paid home employment opportunities in a quick, easy, and comfortable manner.

Hardie explains, “Companies seeking perfect matches to fill a part time to full time project position can simply post all of their specific needs in detail and then simply sit back, as numerous qualified applicants make their case for why they are the perfect fit!”? And she knows exactly how beneficial such synergies can be.? “For a long time I didn’t make ends meet. I was laid off 6 times, forced to file homeless, received government assistance, borrowed money from relatives, robbed Peter to pay Paul, robbed Paul to pay Jonah and robbed Jonah to pay Moses, just to try and feed myself and my two children, ” she explains. “It took a very long time for the money to actually start coming in.”? Slowly, she started to build a new expertise.?

“I originally started this aspect of my business as a website design business. Over time I found website design to be highly competitive and that the majority of my clients would return to more for my opinion and my experience, than actual design work. Over time I just transitioned from website design, into online marketing and then finally consulting,” Hardie says.? “I decided to do the Ask Sharifah Radio Show because I would receive multiple emails or telephone calls asking the same questions. I wanted to create a place where people could ask any of the questions they had all at one time and be able to share that same information with a mass audience.”

Shortly thereafter, the book followed.? “The message in my book, ‘And Here’s Your Box – From Laid Off’ is packed with useful information,” Hardie explains.? “What makes it so unique is that the book is not just about me and my story. It includes nearly 100 radio interviews of business owners, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, celebrities and non-profit organizations, who in the height of a recession came together to offer their advice, words of wisdom, marketing techniques and success stories.”??

Hardie earned success through her own achievements, but also in the manner in which she supports others through her advice and motivation, a talent which resonates with those with whom she comes in contact. “[People] know they have someone that they can trust in their corner,” she explains. “Their businesses grow because they do not have to try and figure out everything by themselves. It’s a good feeling to watch a client’s press release picking up on national news, a client who was afraid to publish their first book now have multiple books flying off bookstore shelves or a small website change that increases sales. For me, consulting is not about me, it’s about the people who were able to improve their lives, by working with me!”

Follow Lauren on Twitter@mediaempress

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