Land an Interview by Understanding How a Recruiter?s Mind Works

Published April 16, 2015 by TNJ Staff
Career Advice
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Get that job by learning how a recruiter’s mind works.

Your resume plays a very important role in your job search. It can help determine whether you make it past the preliminary screening stage and be shortlisted for a particular position, or be among those who don’t even get the chance of hearing back from their recruiter. Since it can make a powerful and lasting impression, you need to come up with a winning resume that can excite the curiosity of recruiters, inform them of your suitability for the position and inspire their confidence in you.

Needless to say, preparing a good resume should be the first thing on every job hunter’s mind. Numerous studies indicate that you only have less than 30 seconds to impress your recruiter so having an impressive resume can significantly increase your chances of getting favorable attention from your recruiter and landing an interview. As such, knowing how recruiters’ minds work and how they read resumes can give you a competitive edge in your job search.

How Recruiters Read Resumes: Some Things You Need to Know

Recruiters judge your resume as soon as they receive it. Recruiters will look for signs that you are suitable for the position as soon as your resume reaches their inbox. So, give them a reason why they should open your email. Show a little personality by using fresh and interesting language. This can help you stand out from the rest of the competition and entice recruiters to open your email.

They read quickly. Recruiters are extremely busy people. They need to go through a lot of resumes so make sure you highlight skills and experience that are relevant to the job in your introduction, and keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Remember to use simple and direct language, drop the clich?s, and stick to the facts.

They look for keywords. Recruiters have strict instructions from their client or manager. Thus, they tend to scan for the key terms used in the job description as they screen resumes. Failure to include these terms may cause recruiters to overlook your resume, even if you are highly qualified for the position.

They want proof. Recruiters have a reputation to protect so they prefer candidates who can validate their capabilities. Give them the proof they need by highlighting the awards and promotions you received. You should also focus on the impact you made in your previous jobs and back your claims with numbers. Don’t forget to include as much details as you can to increase your chances of landing that much sought after interview.

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TNJ Staff