If you’ve got tax issues to sort out before the April 18th filing deadline, free help is available this weekend.
The Internal Revenue Service says nearly 100 of its offices nationwide will be open on Saturday to help taxpayers.
IRS personnel will be available during the open house to answer questions and assist with tax return preparation. IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman says the session is designed to help taxpayers who might not have a chance to seek help during the work week.
When and where:
From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. local time at participating IRS offices as listed on www.irs.gov . The IRS also expects to open many of its offices on two additional Saturdays later this year.
Number of participants expected:
Last year, more than 35,000 taxpayers attended similar events, resolving more than 95 percent of their issues.
Other help:
Besides IRS help, community organizations partner with the IRS. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance programs assist people who earned $49,000 or less and Tax Counseling for the Elderly programs aid seniors age 60 and over with tax return preparation and electronic filing.
Many of their offices offer Saturday hours. Others offer assistance during the week. Taxpayers can call 800-906-9887 to locate partner sites in their area.
Source: The Associated Press.