H.S. Student Accepted to 8 Ivy League Colleges

Published April 4, 2014 by TNJ Staff
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Kwasi EninOn the college-bound front, high school student Kwasi Enin was accepted to eight Ivy League colleges. As is getting a near-perfect SAT score of 2250 out of 2400, he has, indeed, been accepted to all eight of the nation’s top schools he applied to – Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Columbia, University of Pennsylvania and Princeton.?

“I applied knowing that going to any of the Ivy League schools would be wonderful,” Enin told CNN. “I thought if I applied to all eight, I figured I’d get into one … but from the first one onwards I said, ‘This can’t be happening!’ I was shocked seeing all these acceptances under my name.”

Read more at CNN.



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