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How to Get that Dream Job!

Published April 23, 2018 by TNJ Staff
Career Advice
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You?ve just received the word and you?re excited. This could be a life-changer. The opportunity to interview for your dream job is a reality, and the date is set. Now you have to make it happen ? nail the interview, get an offer and the sky?s the limit. But exactly how do you prepare to interview for your dream job?

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1. Study the job posting

Take a moment and re-analyze the wording of the job posting. What exactly is the company looking for? Pay particular attention to the specific qualifications the ideal candidate should have, and see how your skills measure up.

2. Study the company

It is important to know who you might be working for. Start with the company?s website and familiarize yourself with its history and the direction it?s headed in the future. Speak to colleagues and business contacts and see what they know and their opinions. This will help prepare you for questions you may be asked during the interview, but it will also serve to provide a basis for you to ask questions you may have regarding the company.

3. Practice for the interview

As the time draws nearer for the actual interview, use the information you have gathered and conduct a mock interview. Ask a friend or family member to assist you. Write down a list of anticipated questions and try and conduct an interview as similar in time and under conditions that you expect to occur on the real day. This is a good opportunity to not only practice your answers to questions but to also practice your interview etiquette. For instance, shake hands firmly, maintain eye contact and be aware of your body language. Remember the concept it is not just what you say, but it is also how you say it.

4. Get ready for the interview day before the day

Don?t wait until the last minute for the basics. Make sure you have proper directions to the interview location and account for travel time in consideration of the time of day, likely traffic conditions and parking availability. Dress appropriately for the type of job you are seeking. Know what you are bringing to the interview, such as multiple copies of your resume, a list of references and a list of your questions you are likely to ask.

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5. Be prepared to listen and ask questions

Listening is a large part of being able to intelligently speak. You may anticipate what?s coming, but be certain you respond precisely to what is asked of you. Asking an appropriate question not only gives you information you need, it shows the interviewer you are paying attention and are fully engaged.

Opportunities do not come along every day. If you have been fortunate to have a chance to interview for your dream job, make the very most of it.

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TNJ Staff