How to Expand Your Customer Base

Published May 21, 2018 by TNJ Staff
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Companies spent more on digital ads than television ads in the year 2017. Brands have realized that advertising is more effective digitally than on the television, radio, or in print. Businesses and entrepreneurs need to acknowledge the shift and develop a marketing strategy to incorporate digital. Social media is where you need to get the message out, as Facebook boasts more than 2 billion users overall and 81 percent of millennials log in to Twitter at least once a day.

The first thing to do is identify who your intended audience is. You can?t develop a plan if you don?t have a goal or destination in mind. Your content isn?t going to be effective, even if it?s well-developed if you don?t know who you?re appealing to.

Consider a three-point customer profile blueprint to find the suitable and ideal target market. Avoid using hunches or guesses, and instead, use reliable data to determine who is in your target market. Distribute surveys to current customers to find out as much as you can.

The first point requires you to identify and narrow down demographics. Ask their gender, age, location, and range of household income. Demographics narrow down the market, but there is more you need to do.

The second point is to evaluate psychographics. Identify the problems, concerns, frustrations, and challenges that customers face. Analyze the feedback and incorporate solutions into your service and products.

The third point requires you to find where on the Internet your ideal market hangs out. What are their favorite social media platforms? Do they have favorite people they follow on their social media platforms? Are they flocking to specific events? Combine these three points to develop your marketing strategy.

Focus on content because that?s what spurs interest. Encourage them to interact with your ad and gain interest in your products and services. Examine who your customers are, focus on what bothers them, and entice them with an appealing campaign. Users like to engage with videos, especially on mobile devices or when they?re limited on time. Other types of content can also spur interest such as blogs, articles, papers, podcasts or case studies.

Avoid limiting your advertising to one project. Use several types and styles to engage prospective users. Users flow through a ?funnel,? which is a visual example of how someone interacts with the business. The top of the funnel is wide and includes many prospects. They evaluate whether your service is their best solution. The funnel narrows in the engagement stage. Some users didn?t continue and decided to pursue other avenues. The bottom of the funnel is where conversion from a prospect to a customer occurs. They learn about and begin to trust your brand. Their next logical step is to make a purchase.

Pushing a sale too quickly can be detrimental to businesses. You need to filter prospects through the funnel with a series of interactions. Trying to force the sale too fast turns prospects away and guarantees that you?ll lose a customer.

Find your market, develop your content, and create a dominating digital market strategy. Then use social media, paid advertising, and targeting to gain customers.

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TNJ Staff