If you have the world’s best sales process, technology, worksheets, playbooks, sales scripts, and marketing collateral, you will still fail if you don’t have the emotional strength it takes to sell.
A while back, I had a conversation with Jeff Keller, author of the bestseller Attitude Is Everything. He described the seven emotions that top salespeople must cultivate, which I’ve presented here as a set of daily promises:
1. I will be patient.
Customers make decisions at their own speed. Pushing customers to buy is like pulling on seedlings to make them grow. While I am always ready to help a customer, I refuse to become frustrated when they don’t buy as quickly as I’d like.
2. I will be committed.
Customers respect that I’m willing to do whatever it takes (legally and ethically) to make both my customers and myself successful. I will follow through on every commitment I make, large or small. I will not give up until it’s clear that I cannot help my customer.
3. I will be enthusiastic.
Because enthusiasm is contagious, I will be enthusiastic about myself, my firm, my product, and my customers. To remain enthusiastic I will draw on my desire to help people improve their lives and thereby create greater wealth and success for everyone.
4. I will be curious.
Selling means being alive to the mysteries and puzzles of life. Every customer and every situation is different and has something important to teach me. I will keep my ears and eyes open to any knowledge that can help me better serve my customers.
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