How LaTayne Bruce Went From Single Parent to Six-Figure Earner

Published February 25, 2015 by TNJ Staff
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LaTayne BruceLaTayne Bruce’s rise is more than inspiring. Today, the business woman, motivational speaker and author is a national senior sales account executive at a Fortune 200 company and has won national sales awards.

But it was a struggle for Bruce to get to were she is. She didn’t earn her undergraduate degree until she was 40 years old and a single mother of two. Determined to change her situation, after earning her bachelor’s degree Bruce went on to get an MBA.

After reaching her goals, Bruce wanted to help inspire others struggling, so she penned the book, “From Single Parent to 6 Figures: Staying Connected on the Journey.” ?I wrote my first book, ‘From Single Parent to 6 Figures: Staying Connected to the Journey’ because I want people to see where I started and know it is not too late for them to begin their own success journey,? she says.

Through all her trials and triumphs, Bruce says she learned a valuable business lesson: ?The biggest lesson I learned at that time was to ask the tough question about how others saw me, I really listened. When I set up a meeting with my former supervisor and asked why I had not gotten a promotion, I eventually was able to hear what he was saying, take actions to improve myself and move my career forward,” she explains. “At that time, I needed to complete my college degree to move into a management position.? So, I went to college and earned my degree in business and then went on to get an MBA.?

Bruce also goes around the country giving motivational speeches. ?Motivational speaking is my passion and I am able to do it in my professional career as a corporate sales executive, as well as in my entrepreneurial enterprises,? she says. ?”I use my experiences to help professionals, as well as people from all walks of life with their own journey to success. I frequently speak at business and leadership conferences on topics such as perfecting sales techniques, personal development and building valuable relationships.?

What advice would she give to other single mothers who face similar obstacles? ?My advice to single parents is to make your children a priority. One of the things I did was create an atmosphere for open dialogue with my children,” she shares. “Usually at the dinner table, I would silence my mobile phone and turn off the TV so I could talk with my children and find out what was going on in their lives. By creating this safe atmosphere for them to share, I was able to understand what was happening with them daily. I encourage all parents to do this.?

Looking ahead, Bruce has a plan. “Each year, I do an assessment of where I am professionally and personally. I then established a strategy for achieving the professional goals I have set for myself as an insurance sales executive and an entrepreneur. One of my goals for 2015 is to increase the number of speaking engagements I accept. I also plan to schedule more relaxation time for myself by taking two vacations,? she explains.

Looking even further down the line, Bruce hopes to make a major impact. ?My long-term goals are to host a television show structured to make a positive impact in viewers? daily lives, help them to release negative thinking and encourage them to move toward their dreams,? she says.

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