Hey, Curly Girls! Girl + Hair Works To Fit Your Mane Needs

Published January 9, 2021 by Ann Brown
Black Entrepreneurs
Featured image for Hey, Curly Girls! Girl + Hair Works To Fit Your Mane Needs

Singer Solange Knowles once said, “I think many people, especially from other cultures, just don’t understand the role hair plays in Black women’s lives.” Hair is extremely important for most Black women and this is something Dr. Camille Verovic knows all too well.


In 2015, the practicing dermatologist launched a hair products company named Girl + Hair based in New York City. Girl + Hair is the first natural hair care line formulated with the ingredients to promote a healthy scalp and hair. The products are cruelty-free and free of harsh and harmful ingredients.


Girl + Hair products can be found online at girlandhair .com as well as at Target, Fashion Nova, Urban Outfitters, Marjani Beauty, and Beauty Beez.


Girl + Hair grew out of Verovic’s own natural hair journal.I sought out to find healthy products to care for my natural hair after my ‘big chop,’” she recalls. “Because of my busy lifestyle, protective styling has always been a great solution. Depending on the season or work schedule ahead, I would choose a preferred protective style, such as hair extensions, crochet braids, wigs, braids, or weaves.”

Verovic tells TNJ.com more about Girl + Hair.


TNJ: You started your professional career in marketing, what led you to medicine?

Dr. Camille Verovic: I’ve actually always wanted to be a doctor but I played Division I basketball in college. Keeping up with games, practice, and studying was a bit too much so I switched my major to marketing. When my mother became ill in 2003, it sparked my interest in medicine again and the rest is history


TNJ: Girl + Hair out of your own need to find healthy hair products after your own Big Chop. What made you want to take it to the next level and launch a business?

Dr. CV: I am really goal oriented and I couldn’t understand why Black women as a customer base were being ignored. I set a date to launch and became laser focused on launching our product line.


TNJ: What led you to the “big chop”?

Dr. CV: Extreme hair breakage! I knew I couldn’t continue on the path of relaxing my hair. In addition, the natural hair movement was really popular on YouTube so I was able to draw inspiration from others during that time who were on the same hair journey.


TNJ: How do you juggle your full-time profession and Girl + Hair?

Dr. CV: My husband is my business partner, which has its own benefits and challenges, but it allows me to do both. I also try to streamline everything. I use Calendly for everything because I wear many different hats. It allows me to send a link with my availability.


TNJ: What makes Girl + Hair products different?

Dr. CV: The first thing everyone notices is the applicator tip. It is important but what makes our products special is the formulation. We developed the first low-viscosity hair cleansers on the market. Each product is formulated with the question—how does this product fit into our customers’ hair care routine?


We also focus heavily on scalp care. I see multiple patients weekly for hair loss so our products are designed to help our customers prioritize scalp health.


TNJ: How has the pandemic affected your business?

Dr. CV: We have grown tremendously during the pandemic. We are a small team and to our advantage, we learned to be nimble. The demand for Black-owned personal care products increased and we were able to meet that demand.


TNJ: What do you enjoy the most about running Girl + Hair?

Dr. CV: Our customers! They are so encouraging. I also love that my little girl gets to see her mom running a company.


TNJ: What are your business goals for 2021?

Dr. CV: To expand our product line and grow our curly girl community!


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Ann Brown