5 Ways to Get Media Coverage for Your Launch

Published November 24, 2014 by TNJ Staff
Small Business
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Get media coverage for your startup without sweating it out.

Now that you have completed the development phase your product, the next thing you need to do is to get the word out and attract the attention of your target market. However, as most first time entrepreneurs know, launching a startup or a new product can be a big challenge ? especially if you do not have a huge personal network to help you spread the news.

So, what should you do if you find yourself in this situation? Well, the best thing that you can do is to get media coverage for your launch. Admittedly, this can be a challenge in itself. Getting media coverage can be an extremely time-consuming task so you need to know how to do it right if you want to reap all the benefits that you can get out of it.

Easy Ways to Get Media Coverage for Your Launch

Here are some ways by which you can get media coverage without spending a lot of time or money while doing so.

  • Start your own blog. Every startup should have their own blog since it can help you in more ways than one. By having an active blog, you will be seen as an expert in your field, provide value to your readers, increase your signups and build a community around your brand. In addition, you will learn how to tell great stories and be able to provide your own coverage in your blog.
  • Build relationships. Get to know the writers and journalists covering your industry and try to build a relationship with these people. Follow them on Twitter and subscribe to their Facebook page. Be genuinely interested in what they do and let them know that you’ve read their work. Having a more personal relationship with these people can increase your chances of having your email opened when you decide to pitch them a story.
  • Make it exclusive. Journalists love exclusive stories so you can increase your chances of getting press coverage if you will make your pitch exclusively to them.
  • Write guest articles. Consider writing and distributing original guest articles since it can help you attract more attention to your startup.
  • Consider newsjacking. As a first time entrepreneur, you don’t probably have enough clout to make it to the headlines so you may want to consider newsjacking (the art of injecting your ideas into a breaking news story) a well-known competitor or a major launch in your sector to generate significant media coverage and social media engagement. For example, you can compare yourself to an established competitor and highlight the things that you can do better, or you can pick a newsworthy story in your industry that you can relate to and leverage it to attract attention to your startup.

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TNJ Staff