Gen Z and Millennials Say ‘Workplace Cheating’ Is Acceptable: Discover the Hacks They Use

Published January 18, 2025 by Mary Brown
Arts & Entertainment
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A majority of the young generation employees which includes both GenZ as well as the millennials think workplace cheating is normal. Paper Owl, which is a famous writing service, conducted a survey bringing out various interesting facts about the young generation and its work ethics. As per the survey, around 95% of young employees think that bending rules at the workplace is acceptable. These employees belong to the age bracket of 18 to 34 years. Napping during work hours or using Artificial Intelligence to get their work done are the common practices already mastered. This article is definitely for you if you are also an employer who wants to know the common methods being used nowadays by employees. It brings you all the workplace cheating methods that are in common use these days. 

Quiet Quitting And Faking Sickness 

According to the survey, around 34% of the employees belonging to the younger generations have used these two workplace cheating methods once in their work lives. Many employees through this survey accepted that they have called in sick when they were perfectly healthy. 

The reason for doing this is mostly because they are suffering from mental burnout due to long working hours. Some dissatisfied employees who wish to leave the job also opt for Quiet Quitting. 

What Is Quiet Quitting?

Quiet Quitting refers to putting only the minimum required effort in the work assigned to them and making no extra effort. The employees continue to collect the paychecks despite their disinterest in the work until they are eventually fired. 

Also read: Who Are Generation Zoomers? Traits, Values & Work Ethics

Napping During Work Hours And Use Of Artificial Intelligence 

The survey conducted by Paper Owl also revealed that around 14% of young employees use Artificial Intelligence to get their work done. This is mainly due to the excessive workload and tight deadlines that the employees have to tackle. They are often handed more work than they can handle. Hence, many take the assistance of AI to meet the expectations of their employers.

Around 11% of employees are guilty of taking a nap during work hours according to the survey. Sometimes because they simply can and other times because they need it. The workload often makes these employees work all night which leads to them embracing such methods.

Logging More Hours Than Worked

Another section of employees also accepted that they often logged more hours in online jobs than they worked. They often utilize their work hours tending to other issues like children and family. Around 11% of employees have accepted that they use this workplace cheating method to squeeze in a few extra hours for themselves.

Quiet Vacationing Without Informing Employers 

According to the survey, more than 2000 American employees accepted having opted for quiet vacationing. This basically means going for a vacation with the excuse of working remotely without informing the employers. 

Why Employees Opt for Quiet Vacationing

The survey also revealed that around 12% of these employees have done this more than once. This clearly means quiet vacationing is more common than we think. The younger generation simply stated that most of the time they are just lazy. However, many also revealed that some of the main reasons also include mental burnout as well as limited pay time off. 

Coffee Badging: Another Common Workplace Cheating Method 

Another one of the most common methods that young employees have been opting for these days is Coffee Badging. It simply refers to when these employees go into the office just so that their swipe is counted. 

How Coffee Badging Works

According to the workplace systems, they did show up for work. However, the employees just tend to catch up and gossip with someone over coffee and then leave to either work somewhere else or just enjoy their free time. 

Around 36% of employees accepted that they have used this method more than ten times in their work life. The reasons for opting for such a method are the desire for work flexibility or just wanting to work from somewhere else to limit office-based distractions.

Also read: Gen Z vs. Millennials – Differences & Characteristics: Who Will Lead the Future Workforce?

Career Catfishing: A Method Of Reclaiming Corporate Dominance 

Career Catfishing has also become one of the most common workplace cheating methods popular among the younger masses. This refers to accepting job offers but not showing up on the first day of work. This method is becoming more and more common nowadays. It is seen as a risky method of reclaiming corporate dominance. 

Why Career Catfishing Happens

The lengthy selection process that often wastes a lot of time for the employees is the main reason. The frustration that builds up because of these lengthy and expensive interview processes results in employees wanting to regain a sense of power by not showing up on the first day.

Who Is Involved in Career Catfishing?

Around 29% of the young generation accepted doing this. However, it is interesting to note that GenZ and millennials are not the only two generations that opt for this method. Many Baby Boomers have also accepted that they have opted for this method once in their life. 

How To Prevent Your Employees From Resorting To Such Workplace Cheating Hacks

If you want to prevent your employees from opting for such cheating hacks, it is important to understand the root cause. The main reasons that came into the limelight are excessive workloads, mental burnout, and limited pay time offs. 

Once you have understood the root cause, it is now time for the second step. This is understanding what will provide the much-needed work satisfaction to your employees. 

Following are a few tips that you can implement to make your employees work harder.

  • Around 50% of the survey respondents believe that a pay raise will definitely solve major issues. This was not a surprise. One of the major motivating factors for better and more dedicated work has always been a hefty paycheck.
  • Decreasing the work politics as well as the toxicity that drives many employees away from the workplace.
  • Another major motivating factor that is not unknown to anyone is recognition and appreciation. You must ensure that your employees feel seen and appreciated. This will ensure that the employees keep on investing their time and efforts in the work assigned to them.

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Mary Brown