FREE Health & Wellness Seminar

Published July 26, 2012 by
Conferences & Seminars

Do you know anyone with High blood pressure, Diabetes, High cholesterol, Acid reflux, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, Thyroid disease, Gout, and/or other forms of Arthritis, Skin conditions, and Lupus who are taking medication they can’t afford.

Do you need to improve your Mood, Energy, Focus, Concentration, Memory, Mental energy, Alertness, and Mental performance for the upcoming SCHOOL Semester, and want something that has no sugars & no artificial sweeteners in it(diabetics)?

Do you know anyone with children who have been diagnosed with ADHD/ADD/ autism or Older Adults who have been told they have Alzheimers or Depression symptoms?

We have something for you!!! Bring a Family member or Friend who is suffering too. It’s Time to Live a HEALTHIER LIFE!!!

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