Fred Perpall

Published June 4, 2011 by TNJ Staff
Featured image for Fred Perpall

AGE: 36


Frederick Perpall spent childhood summers with his uncle, doing masonry work. However, laying bricks did not lead him to become the managing director at The Beck Group, a commercial architecture and construction firm. He was more fascinated by the architects who managed the entire process. ?The creativity, communication style and relationships required to be successful in this career are the things that drew me to this profession. I have always been interested in healthy communities and the impact that our environment has on all of us, particularly during our formative years,? he says.


Perpall, who says he?s proud that he grew up poor because ?there?s a certain empathy that you learn from that,? received a bachelor?s degree in environmental design and a master?s in architecture from the University of Texas. He also attended the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, where he received certificates in design and communication strategy. He manages Beck?s eastern U.S. division, supervising all aspects of the design and construction practice. His projects include developments in the higher education, religious, health care, athletic and recreational markets. He learned his formula for success in his youth, he says.? ?My early summer jobs taught me that it is far more important to be interested, not just interesting. Having a strong?work ethic, drive to succeed and determination were requirements if I was going to be successful.?


Among his civic and community activities, Perpall serves on the board of directors of the Georgia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the Board of Councilors of The Carter Center and on the board of the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation in the Bahamas, where he grew up. He would like to open a retreat in the Bahamas to help at-risk boys strengthen their life skills. ?An investment in our youth is an investment in our future,? he says.?




Favorite book: ?Man?s Search for Meaning? by Viktor Frankl
First job: Mason helper
Last movie: ?Wall Street 2?

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