First Lady Michelle Obama to Deliver Remarks at Mayors? Conference

Published January 21, 2016 by TNJ Staff
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Michelle ObamaThis morning, First Lady Michelle Obama is set to deliver the opening remarks at the 84th Winter Meeting of the United States Conference of Mayors.??

Under the leadership of USCM Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, nearly 300 of the nation?s mayors will convene in Washington, D.C. at the Capital Hilton Hotel to engage with Administration officials, Congressional leaders business leaders to ensure the health and economic recovery of America?s cities.

The nation?s mayors will also hold a press conference to unveil their urban agenda ? The 2016 Compact for a Better America: A Call to Action — which calls on the Presidential candidates and Congress to invest in and protect America’s cities and metro areas.

Points from the agenda are as follows:

1.??? Recognize, support, and strengthen the Metro-City Economic Engines that drive our national economy
2.??? Invest in and modernize our D+ rated transportation system
3.??? Educate and train a 21st Century USA workforce
4.??? Protect our streets, neighborhoods, and national borders
5.??? Fix our broken immigration system
6.??? Develop healthy, safe, affordable, and modern water and wastewater systems
7.??? Spark community development ? create affordable housing and fully fund the CDBG program
8.??? Expand clean energy use to grow the economy and protect the climate and environment–urbanize the Department of Energy
9.??? Promote broadband access, technology, and innovation in our cities
10.??? Provide access to healthy food, healthcare, and mental health services
11.??? Enact new tax policy promoting investment to cities and middle class growth ? reduce income inequality
12.??? Support metro economies through trade and export production
13.??? Vigorously promote international travel and tourism to USA cities
14.??? Support an expanded National Endowment for the Arts ? elevate the Arts and Tourism to Cabinet level
15.??? Stop sending unfunded federal mandates to our cities
16.??? Recruit and include Mayors and Local Officials to serve in the Federal Executive Departments and The White House

For the next two days, the following highlights are planned:

Thursday, Jan 21: First Lady Michelle Obama?s Remarks to Mayors; Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti; Kansas City Mayor Sly James to receive U.S. Communities Leadership Award; U.S. Senator James Inhofe (OK); Labor Secretary Thomas Perez; HUD Secretary Julian Castro; Acting Commerce Secretary Jay Williams; Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx, Amtrak President & CEO Joseph Boardman; 2020 Census Task Force; U.S. Manufacturing Innovation Fund Awardees Announced; Childhood Obesity Prevention Awardees Announced; Special Session on youth unemployment & tech education; President Barack Obama to Deliver Remarks to Mayors at White House

Friday, January 22:? Leadership in the Arts Awards feat R&B, Jazz Recording Artist Ledisi; Update on Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture; Food Policy Task Force feat DC Mayor Bowser; Immigration Task Force re refugee resettlement; Ports and Exports Task Force re The Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement; Energy & Climate Protection Task force; My Brother?s Keeper Task Force; Special Recognition of retiring Charleston Mayor Joe Riley; Dollarwi$e Financial Literacy Awards

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