Figuratively Speaking: Ethnic Diversity on Fortune 100 Boards

Published October 31, 2013 by TNJ Staff
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Women and minorities have made only small gains in increasing their representation in corporate boardrooms since 2004. Among them, white/Caucasian women consistently have had the highest boardroom representation. Here?s a breakdown of 2004, 2010 and 2012 figures:

? Total number of Fortune 100 board seats in 2012: 1,214 (in 2004: 1,195);
? Number of men on Fortune 100 boards in 2012: 974, or 80.2 percent of total seats (in 2004: 993, or 83.1 percent of total seats);
? Number of minority men on these boards in 2012: 150, or 12.4 percent of total seats (in 2004: 142, or 11.9 percent of total seats);
? Number of women on these boards in 2012: 240, or 19.8 percent of total seats (in 2004: 202, or 16.9 percent of total seats);
? Number of minority women on these boards in 2012: 47, or 3.9 percent of total seats (in 2004: 36, or 3.0 percent of total seats);
? Total women and minorities on these boards in 2012: 390, or 32.1 percent of total seats (in 2004: 344, or 28.8 percent of total seats);
? Percent African-Americans on these boards in 2012: 9.2 (men: 7.0; women: 2.2);
? Percent Hispanics/ Latinos on these boards in 2012: 4.3 (men: 3.5; women: 0.8);
? Percent Asian/Pacific Islanders on these boards in 2012: 2.7 (men: 1.9;? women: 0.8);
? Percent white/Caucasian men on these boards in 2012: 67.9;
? Percent white/Caucasian women: 15.9
? Percent of Fortune 100 board seats held by women and minorities in 2012: 32.1 (in 2010: 30.1);
? Total number of Fortune 500 board seats in 2012: 5,488 (In 2010: 4,463);
? Percent of Fortune 500 board seats held by women and minorities in 2012: 25.7. (in 2010: 25.5);
? Percent held by minority women in 2012: 3.2 (in 2010: 2.9);
? Percent held by minority men in 2012: 10.1 (in 2010: 9.9);
? Percent held by white/Caucasian women in 2012: 13.4;
? Percent held by white/Caucasian men in 2012: 73.3.

Source: ?Missing Pieces: Women and Minorities on Fortune 500 Boards,?? 2012 Alliance for Board Diversity Census (Catalyst, The Prout Group, The Executive Leadership Council, the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility, and Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. 2013.)

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