Farm-to-Fridge Services: The New Trend in Online Grocery Shopping

Published October 19, 2015 by TNJ Staff
Health & Fitness
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Online food shoppingNeed organic farm produce but don’t have time to go to the grocery? Try farm-to-fridge services.

There is a new trend that is currently making waves in the online grocery shopping space ? farm-to-fridge services. Now, you don’t have to drive long distances to shop at your local farmers market or sign up for a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program to keep your house stocked with the best and freshest produce. These companies will deliver them right to your doorstep. In fact, with the help of these services, even neighborhoods that currently do not have local farmers markets or local CSAs can get an easy access to fresh foods.

Aside from making fresh produce more accessible, these farm-to-fridge services also make them more affordable. Since there is no middleman involved in the process, these companies can offer fresh produce at a much lower price.

However, the advantages do not end here. Companies offering farm-to-fridge services also provide enormous benefits to the small farmers and artisans. With this business model, farmers do not have to leave their farms, drive long distances to the farmers market, and stand all day to sell their products. In addition, they do not incur any losses since everything they harvest will go directly to their customers.

Some Notable Farm-to-Fridge Services

There are a lot of companies that are starting to make their name in the farm-to-fridge service industry but here are some of most popular ones.

Nextdoorganics. Founded in 2011, this Brooklyn-based company offers sustainable produce, meat and snack subscriptions for $20 to $50 per week. After creating a free account, the company will deliver a box of organic food ingredients to your door via cargo bike on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Pick-up and overnight UPS delivery is also available. With Nextdoorganics, you only pay for what you get and you can put your account on hold at any time. It is really that flexible.

Good Eggs. Good Eggs offers an ala carte shopping experience for the residents of San Francisco and the Bay area, and promises to deliver only the best and freshest food selections to its customers.

Farmingo. This company provides residents of the Seattle-Tacoma, Northern California, New Jersey and New York areas a better way to buy fresh produce. Farmingo offers everything from fruits and veggies to meat, fish, dairy and snacks, and drops your groceries at a nearby pick-up spot in your neighborhood. You can even start your own pick-up location by organizing at least 10 people. Note: Organizers receive a 70% discount on every order.

OurHarvest. This is yet another fast-growing company in the farm-to-fridge market. Aside from providing fresh farm produce to its customers in New York City, OurHarvest aims to combat hunger by donating a meal to a local food bank or pantry for every order above $25.

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