Everyone’s Sun: Helping Our Black Boys Shine

Published July 30, 2011 by
Community Activism

Everyone?s Sun: Helping Our Black Boys Shine, a panel discussion focused on the crisis facing Black boys in America. The goal of the dialogue is to discuss best practices, strategies and solutions to counteracting and combating this crisis. Panelists will engage in conversation that is geared towards the social, emotional and academic growth of Black male youth in relationship to the family and community.? The forum is the second awareness event in an awareness series leading up to the Stronger: Redefining and Reinventing The Strong Black Woman Campaign and Conference Tour. Confirmed panelists include: 1)Dennis Rahiim Watson,chairman of The National Task Force on Youth and Gang Violence and CEO of The Center for Black Student Achievement 2)David Fattah,Founder of House of Umoja which has operated for more than 40 years as a residential home for black boys based on Afrocentric values, it is in actuality the first “boys town” in America. Brother Fattah is also the father of Congressman Chaka Fattah (Philadelphia) 3)Matthew P. Stevens, Founder and CEO of Empower Today’s Youth and author of several publications including “Raising Him Alone” with David Miller, the creator and founder of the Raising Him Alone Campaign and 4)Dr. Umar-Abdullah Johnson, blood realtive of Frederick Douglas, nationally certified school psychologist/child therapist specializing in working with at-risk, violent, suicidal and depessed African American youth. More announcements to come. Join us to learn about ways you can help save our boys…

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