Efficient Financing Tips to Start Your Own Business

Published October 15, 2012 by TNJ Staff
Small Business
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financing tips, start your own business, business financing tipsAre you looking for financing tips as you start your own business?

You?re about to start your own business, and you?re ready to take the first concrete steps. You?ve run all the numbers and everything makes sense on paper. You know how much you?ll spend to provide your product or service and how much each sale will return in revenue. You have an initial understanding of your target market, and you?re ready to conduct ongoing research in order to track shifts in that core audience. You know where you?d like this business to be in one, three, and five years. And you have an organization chart at the ready detailing who will be responsible for what aspects of the business and how you plan to hire new staff and partners as you move forward.?

In other words, you have a complete business plan in hand. And you?re ready to put your plan into action and bring your business to life. But the first step to the process can be one of the hardest, and without it, the rest of the plan may be held in suspension: You?ll need to obtain financing.?

Start the ball rolling by hunting down the affordable (low interest) loans and grants you need to begin the process of generating revenue. Once your first financing sources are on board, you?ll be able to conduct a quarterly re-evaluation of your financial footing and make decisions about paying down existing loans and establishing increasingly efficient lines of credit. ??

Contact the Small Business Association for Grant Information

The Small Business Association (SBA) should be your first stop on this journey. Though the SBA doesn?t actually have the power to lend, it can connect you with financing resources and provide unbiased, researched guidance that applies to your specific industry and financial situation. Before you take on an expensive private loan, find out what kinds of government grants may be available to you at little or no cost.

Arrange a Consultation with Your Bank

Your next stop should be an FDIC insured bank or lending institution to discuss loan options with a qualified financial expert. Obtain a broad overview of your small business financing options and learn the steps you?ll need to take to apply for each one. Have your business plan and existing financial blueprints in hand.?

Reach Out to Private Investors

Family, friends, and private lending organizations are also a viable option for small business owners who need a source of start-up capital. But be careful with this option, since family and friends may not able to accurately assess their own financial risks. You want them to invest in you, but the stakes may be higher with this option and the outcome more uncertain, both for them and for you.

Are your ready to start your own business? Are you already a successful business owner with financing tips you?d like to share? Leave your thoughts and comments in the section below.

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TNJ Staff