Too much protein in your diet can be hazardous to your health.
Protein can be good for you. It can help you build muscle mass and lean tissue, accelerate fat loss, promote better bone density and reduce risk of osteoporosis. It can also reduce hunger pangs effectively, lower blood pressure, encourage better brain function, allow you to sleep better, and promote longevity.
However, consuming too much protein on a regular basis may not healthy, and may even be damaging to your body. Here are some of the ill effects too much protein can do to your body.
Too Much Protein May Not Be Good for Your Health
It can affect your mood. Denying your body the carbohydrate it needs to regulate your mood can leave you in a crappy emotional state. Without carbs, your mood will take a nosedive and this may make you irritable, cranky and downright grouchy.
It can lead to gastrointestinal problems. While protein-packed food sources can help you build your muscles, they contain none of the fibers your digestive tract needs to keep it functioning properly so you will end up feeling constipated and bloated.
A protein-rich diet may lead to kidney problems. Too much protein can wreck your kidneys. By consuming large amounts of protein, you are also ingesting nitrogen by-products that your kidneys need to filter out of your blood. This forces your kidneys to work overtime which may lead to problems in the near future.
It may cause you to gain weight. A protein-rich diet may help you drop all those excess pounds in the short-term but there is a strong possibility that you will gain all the weight you lost and then some if you fail to cut out all the other stuff. According to the results of a long-term study involving more than 7,000 adults, 90% of the respondents were more likely to become overweight as compared to those who consume less protein in their diets.
It increases your blood sugar levels. When you consume more protein than your body needs, all the excess calories will be converted to sugar and then to fat. Unfortunately, high blood sugar levels increase your risk for bacterial and yeast infection, and may make you more susceptible to certain forms of cancer.
Eating too much protein may put you at a greater risk of developing a number of health conditions so know how much protein your body needs and strive to maintain a healthy balance of macro- and micronutrients in your diet to keep your body functioning optimally.