Does Your Business Need to be on Instagram?

Published August 4, 2015 by TNJ Staff
Business Technology
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InstagramInstagram, with its high order values and conversion rates, can be a boon to your business.

Instagram is growing rapidly in a world that loves pictures and shared moments. Having a presence there certainly can boost your business?but only if you?re willing to devote the time and resources to make sure you do right by your Instagram account.

Why you should join Instagram

Instagram is new, in that its user base dwarfs Facebook?s, but not so new that analysts can?t see its growth. It?s early enough in its life that this is a great time for you to jump in for early domination of your niche.

Research by Shopify indicates that Instagram referrals lead to order values of $65, second only to the $66.75 at Polyvore. This is higher than Facebook, YouTube and all other sites. Furthermore, Shopify says that Instagram boasts a 1.08 percent conversion rate, which is number four among social media platforms.

You can use tools such as filters and hues on your photos to express specific moods or sentiments. You can turn around and use those photos again on other sites such as your blog and Facebook.

Even better, all of your followers see your posts (in chronological order). Post regularly to get maximum visibility; Instagram is easy to use from mobile devices, so this should not be an issue.

Tips for being on Instagram

Make sure you understand Instagram. It?s not Facebook, Twitter or G+–but since Facebook owns it, you have a head start linking your Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Show what goes on behind the scenes. Even in confidentiality-heavy businesses such as law firms or counseling practices, your followers can experience moments with you. For instance, if you?re a therapist about to present a paper at a conference, you can share a picture of yourself getting ready behind the scenes, with a caption along the lines of being nervous?which people relate to.

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TNJ Staff