Great Communication Skills Can Help Secure Your Promotion

Published June 24, 2014 by TNJ Staff
Career Advice
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Communications skillsHow to Improve Communication Skills in the Office

When it comes to impressing the higher-ups in your organization, being able to communicate is perhaps the most important aspect of your challenge. After all, there are likely others who can perform the duties of a higher office with the same rigor; however, very few people have the ability to communicate with all types of people in an effective way. Below are a few of the communication skills that will give you the edge in securing your promotion.

Communication with Subordinates

Your bosses will be looking to see if you can increase the productivity of your subordinates before promoting you. Because you will have more subordinates once you move into a higher office, you will need to delegate responsibilities while inspiring people at the same time in order to maintain the overall productivity of the company.

Let your bosses see you encouraging your subordinates.

Communication with Colleagues and Team Members

The politics among people on the same level can get quite heavy. After all, everyone is competing for that promotion. What your bosses are looking for is the ability to get work done despite the internal politics.

If you have ever watched an episode of Big Brother or Donald Trump’s The Apprentice, then you will have a good idea of how to communicate with your peers in front of your superiors. Take the lead gently when no one else has the expertise to do so. Follow when it is necessary; however, perform at the absolute peak of your ability to know matter what position you find yourself in. Be sure that you are engrossed in work that you can quantify the results of later.

Communication with Superiors

The maxim goes, “Dress for the job that you want.” In addition to this could be, “Speak for the job that you want.” This does not mean that you go around trying to give orders to your bosses. It does mean that you communicate with them on a slightly more friendly level than your colleagues, both verbally and with your body language.

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TNJ Staff