CBC Urges Trump to Include Support for HBCUs in Budget

Published February 27, 2017 by Sergie Willoughby
African American
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Today, the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, Congressman Cedric Richmond (D-LA-02), sent a letter to President Trump urging him to show that he is serious about helping historically black colleges and universities by including substantial funding for Pell Grants, Title III of the Higher Education Act and other policies and programs that help these institutions in his budget to Congress.

The letter was sent ahead of President Trump?s meeting this afternoon with over 60 HBCU presidents to discuss additional actions the federal government can take to help these institutions. Congressional Republicans are meeting with HBCU presidents on Tuesday.

?We are pleased that Republicans in Congress recognize the importance and history of HBCUs and have recently expressed such a strong interest in helping them. We hope your Administration has the same interest. If you are serious about helping these schools, then this meeting is not a photo op. It is a real opportunity to make a real impact on the lives of real Americans,? Chairman Richmond wrote.

He added, ?Things like increasing the maximum Pell Grant award and doubling the funding for Pell Grants, doubling Title III funding, or providing two years of tuition-free education at HBCUs would all have incredible, positive effects and show that you are serious about living up to your promise to be a president for all Americans. Additionally, attached is a list of some of the HBCU-related legislation that CBC members have authored. Urging Republicans in Congress, especially Republican leadership, to support this legislation is another way to live up to your promise to be a president for all Americans.??

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Sergie Willoughby