News Briefs
Nascent Entrepreneurs A study by the U.S. Small Business Administration?s Office of Advocacy concludes that the wealthiest nascent entrepreneurs (individuals...
Nascent Entrepreneurs A study by the U.S. Small Business Administration?s Office of Advocacy concludes that the wealthiest nascent entrepreneurs (individuals...
JPMorgan Chase Virtual Matchmaking Virtual matchmaking isn’t just for people trying to make a love connection. JPMorgan Chase has taken...
Empire Zones New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer?s economic development point men are reviewing the Pataki administration?s aid packages to businesses,...
Women Entrepreneurs Count Me In for Women?s Economic Independence, a nonprofit organization, and OPEN, the American Express small business team,...
Foreclosure Moratorium Civil rights groups called for a six-month moratorium on foreclosures that result from borrowers of so-called subprime mortgages,...
Regulatory Review and Reform The Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration urges small business owners to nominate...
Health Social Network OurHealth L.L.C., a digital health media company founded by three African-American women, says it will launch this...
First Minority Business Hall of Fame and Museum Established in Texas The National Minority Business Council Inc. and Minority Business...
Astronaut Michael Anderson dies with Columbia crew Payload Commander Michael P. Anderson died on Saturday, Feb. 1, as the Columbia...