News Briefs
Cost of Doing Business A Public Policy Institute of New York State Inc. study on the cost of doing business...
Cost of Doing Business A Public Policy Institute of New York State Inc. study on the cost of doing business...
Technology Incubator The New York Software Industry Association (NYSIA) Incubator is inviting companies that specialize in new and up-and-coming technologies...
Asset Management Venture Black Entertainment Television founder Robert L. Johnson and Deutsche Asset Management (DeAM), a division of Deutsche Bank...
Women Internet Users Black women Internet users are more heavily influenced by online information about the products they buy than...
Accessing Technology IBM announced a ?Financing Advantage? initiative that ultimately will make acquiring the latest technology faster, simpler and more...
NMBC Launches Micro-Loan Fund The National Minority Business Council Inc. launched a micro-loan fund to provide short-term credit to qualified...
Families Postponed A poll commissioned by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, found that 23 percent of women ages 18-40 and...
Banking trends can free up funds for small businesses Current financial trends, such as the expansion of large bank holding...
Transportation Investments Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta is urging companies, including financial, construction and engineering firms, to begin investing in...