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3 min read

On July 24 at the National Palace in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, U.S. President Barack Obama touched ?Lucy,? the 40 percent-complete...

3 min read

IBM?s Corporate Service Corps, which is modeled on the Peace Corps, has sent nearly 60 teams of IBM volunteers to...

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3 min read

PricewaterhouseCoopers?s 16th Annual Global CEO Survey is a sobering comment on the availability of skills at a time when businesses...

3 min read

Aside from the fact that Africa is larger in size than Bangladesh, Britain, China, France, Germany. Greece, India, Italy, Japan,...

6 min read

Africa?s tourism officials grimly acknowledge that they will have to throw their collective weight behind a ?Brand Africa? to attract...

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3 min read

Bent on increasing revenues and profits, companies are scouring the world for markets to sell their goods and services, invest...

5 min read

A Summit of Black Mayors Signifying much in Africa?s RenaissanceBy Rosalind McLymont For five days last December, some 250 African...

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